To apply the paint with a roller, the first few strokes was extended in a zig zag pattern.  To reduce the consumption of paint drips, make the first struck an ascending.  The successive slowly reduce the splashes.  Increasing pressure to distribute the load evenly.

Then, without lifting the roller, spread the painting in zig zag pattern.  Even use parallel; strokes Be careful not to roll to fast.  As the zig disappears, begin to paint in areas adjacent, painted or unpainted feathers.  Lift the roller at the end of each stroke of feathers.

Brushes.  Soak the brush to paint not more than half the length of sows.  Lift the brush out of the painting and the slap lightly against the inside of the can.  Not to draw the brush on the rim, or get creeping bristles.  Hold the brush with an angle of 45 degrees and apply long strokes and light painting.  Working in small sections, approximately 3 square feet and previously painted sections slightly overlap.

Make sure that the tip all brush touches the surface.  Always the more recently painted brush in the section, which is called wet edge to avoid brands back.  After construction in painting with strokes of 2 or 3, spread it evenly.  Use vertical strokes flat walls and ceilings, horizontal strokes aboard coatings.  Work toward areas painting uncoated.  To produce a border fine, feathered, finishing each stroke lifting lightly brush the surface.

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