Your home needs a new coat of paint as the existing paint has almost worn out, or if it is peeling, blistering, cracking and alligatoring.  Start by removing as many old paint as possible with a paint brush, scrapper, steel or power sander.  Always wear a respirator–old paint often contains lead.

Was the surfaces with a solution of Trisodium citrate phoshate (TLP) and water or a strong household cleanser.  Focus on areas under the eaves and Soffits porch ceilings.  Rinse the surfaces with a snake.  A rented high-pressure power can remove paint.

If the original paint signs of peeling, especially on attic walls or un-insulated walls showed, eliminate the cause of the problem: moisture that seeps through the wall.  The solution: provide openings in the attic or installing 3/4-inch vent holes drilled near the top of the stud Cavities.  Also consider the affected walls with special introductions specified as vapour barriers coating.

Set protruding nail heads and caulk all cracks, seams and joints.  Sand down high spots as well as shiny surfaces that need teeth (a rough surface that surfaces will keep).  You are now ready to putties.

Scrub the walls with a wire brush and strong detergent to prepare masonry.  If

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