remodel or addition of a room.  Heating systems vary widely in the type of energy use and distribution facilities.

Some households depend on heaters such as wall, wood stoves and heaters, furnaces, but most of the houses has a central heating system.  5. The most common types are the hot air, electric, hybrid and heating hot water and heat pumps.  In addition, uses solar energy to heat homes with hot water, solariums and direct solar radiation systems.

Improvement of the circulation.  Warm air heating can create projects and stratified layer temperature causing discomfort, although adequate heat supply system.  Hot air rises and drops of fresh air.  Along with the air outside the walls, especially alongside Windows and doors, loses heat much faster than the air alongside an outer wall.

The resulting air currents rise hot side of the room and let fall on the cold side.  If records are found on the walls inside, or worse still, in the ceiling or high on the walls, the natural flow heat will be boosted, resulting in drafts and laminated layers of air at different temperatures.  The head can feel hot, while the feet feel cold.  Adequate mixing occurs when heat is applied to points coldest, under large Windows.  This blend of warm and cold air directly and uniformly heated room.

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