Do not use the politics in your own Bumper
System policies front lines … notes remodeling
Last week on the road, I saw a remodeling company brightly marked Prius blow through a red light.Cheat, I thought. make sure that I hope you can make this appointment, because you’ve just lost me and each other to be a witness in the case that (luckily accident free)-scene, eco-sensitive/good buddy/I-can-in-trust credibility.
Later the same day, a friend to copy me, he was only the second remodeling business owner starts at the top of the Note. It started like this:
“One of your own vans parked outside the Office is in my Bumper sticker is., which says,” I do not believe in a free media. “… I recommend removing the political character of the company vans … “
Granted, it was the election day, and my friend was a little plain pricklier, but the two episodes a reminder to me that the work will be done jointly by the remodeling companies — all those smarts when it comes to sales and quality of work for the purpose of carrying out — often forget that they are being watched, and the job. ” Money is green, “I heard once say Builder customers, with whom he disagreed politically.Yes, I thought at the time And you can only keep. thinking about the Green — and not about their priority, or by a blue or red.
Vehicle incidents, the next you ask me this question, the daily5Remodel:
“Do you think companies should express a political view saneeraukset company or otherwise publicly for the vehicles? Why or why not? “
The overwhelming answer was “no.”
“In almost all cases there is little inflationary, politics, religion, or potentially controversial issues publicly remodeling business by blending.However, may be a downside.Keep your brand focused on you can import the table remodeler, such as a provider of professional services “wrote Virginia onwards.
New Jersey design/build of remodeler “is three things, we will never contribute to the company or to discuss with the client, since they can lead to a clouded judgment” wrote.”Politics, religion and sports.”In addition, he continued, “there are two other related topics in our services, we will never initiate a debate on the future of the customer: weather and traffic conditions for all locations almost always lead to these complaints and the negativity”.
We live in a free country and, of course, some remodelers said, make sure that only a little effort to hide their personal beliefs, politics and religion, may, inter alia, in the words of their dear never come back to bite them.I think in the meantime, the following statements of Georgia teacher is quite good:
“The company’s property should be politically neutral. I know how I feel when I see a company vehicle, supporting political bumper stickers, which I do not agree with, and I’m sure a lot of other people to avoid using your company when political allegiance with company property. not only its values.”
It is a great week.
Leah Thayer
Leah Thayer-Quick Bio
I am a journalist of small enterprises, which will discuss and write every day, From remodelers. 2004 June 2010 I was Senior Editor is Remodeling magazine. I left the start daily5Remodel, e-letter and a Web site that collects remodelers industry news, best practices and peer-to-commitment to first thing in the morning, the day of the week-the conversation — learn from the situation. [1] [2] and to pursue a professional colleagues — the daily5Remodel today.