Rekindle old leads
Guess-all people (most seriously folks say “people”-but my little son, Thomas settle and call us humans, so I’m going to use – with that …)
Again, all people buy feelings.
When it comes to remodeling and home development projects, you may have to compete on that new car, a family vacation, maybe that … and the head of the trash that they have that says, “boy, is it right time to invest the money for this?” And sometimes the home and remodeling projects can lose and get “… usually improve the emotions.
Here is a feature I’d like to turn this week on the above facts, on the basis of the …
You know the 10 or 20 or 30 projects offer is 6-12 months ago? Those who invested much time and energy to the chatting, which seemed the winks might close but eventually were late or never received a Yes or no?
I want to drag this out … And our aim is to REKINDLE these leads and projects.
Things are changing! My experience in our industry, says that these individuals have a good block as yet taken a job …
And perhaps can be considered now …
Why a remodeler/contractor who’s calling or send a letter or email to ask about the project will not be the only?
This is the second idea, and who pays nothing, nadda, zip to implement … But can you make a large amount.
Don’t keep it the shy … Rely on to contact them and ask for the project. What you have to lose?
Don’t forget – you have already invested a lot of time in the project. THINGS CHANGE, and the project may be of interest to them now.
Our aim is to rekindle the 1 or 2 of these projects – and to get them signed up!
Thus, these so called “Dead” to lead “a separate and contact them. This simple and practical idea is my friend! Try it out.
Have asked Kyle’s marketing CD still is free? Kyle Hunt is the owner of the Remodel Your Marketing Excellence and the creator of the Club. After years of experience in the industry for remodeling, Kyle now installs his practical and proven marketing system and the size of the contractors, remodelers, follow Us on Twitter thishim in aare you subscribing yet?