Oven Repair Guide
A furnace repair may be necessary for a number of reasons and is not too uncommon in homes with this type of heating system. Using a high efficiency model however can help you avoid the need for a furnace replacement. A good way to ensure that your new furnace installation is running efficiently and performing at its best is by regularly maintaining the components. This is absolutely essential for all furnace types installed in the home. Not doing so could hamper its performance and subsequently reduce the amount of warmth it will produce. Things like dirt in the filters, blocked burner ports and incorrect set-up of the unit can have a large effect on how well as well as how long the furnace will be able to run properly. No matter what type of heating system you have in place proper maintenance is key. It will save you a lot of time and hassle while providing you with the warmth and comfort you need.
New furnace parts will less likely be required if filters are checked on a reasonably regular basis when using a floor furnace or any other heating system of this kind as these components often need cleaning or replacement. These tasks should always be done following the instructions from the manufacturer and using it as a guide. If you do not feel comfortable with performing the task of inspection by yourself it may be a better option to get qualified help from a technician. In this case, check with your utility company first before any other service provider as they may be able to offer you this service for free. Although this is not a guarantee with all furnace service providers it is normally a good place to start when looking for a professional solution to your problem.
There are many reasons why a furnace repair may be necessary in your home. One of the most common reasons is in the event of a gas leak. The first thing to do in this scenario where gas can be smelt near the furnace in your home is not to ignite any flames or tamper with any electrical switches. If the odour of the gas is very strong do not attempt to solve the problem yourself. Instead, the house should be immediately evacuated with the front door left open. You should then call the fire department or your gas utility company from a remote phone making sure to pass on the correct details of your location.
An example of a furnace problem you can attempt to tackle yourself is if the pilot light refuses to ignite. In this situation, check first to ensure that there is enough fuel being supplied to the system, such as oil in the main parts of an oil furnace, or that the valve on the pipe of a gas furnace is turned to the ‘On’ position. Another example is in the event that insufficient heat is coming out of the furnace. Common causes for this include improper setting of the thermostat, closed heat registers and dirty filters. A dirty air filter may lead to a furnace overheating, not heating enough or automatically shutting off. Checking these areas first will help narrow down the possible cause of the problem. If any of these steps do not work a certified furnace technician should be sought for a more thorough examination of the system and a faster, more reliable diagnosis of the problem.
There are many parts to furnaces as well as numerous factors to take into account depending on whether the operational fuel being used is gas, electricity, oil or any other. It is no surprise then that furnace repairs often involve high numbers of parts and tools and are sometimes not nearly as simple as they may initially seem. Furnaces tend to be easy to use and on the surface can appear maintenance free. However, signs that suggest your furnace may be in need of repair should never be ignored or go unnoticed, otherwise minor issues can become larger ones later on. Some common issues that signal when a furnace repair is required include circuit breaker or fuse malfunctions. If these parts are tripped or blown then the furnace will no longer heat. A solution to this may be to reset the circuit breaker or replace the fuse altogether. In some instances the connections will have to be cleaned in order to get the furnace working properly again. A furnace that frequently turns on and off or does not produce enough heat can be a sign of a faulty gas burner which may need to be adjusted, replaced or cleaned in order to be fixed.
Other sources of a furnace fault may come from a damaged motor belt, incorrect alignment of the pulleys or blowers, and failure of the fan to release air out of the heating vents. In these circumstances, seeking professional assistance can be a very good choice as some companies offer maintenance and repair services for all makes and models of furnaces. Inviting help from certified and knowledgeable renovation providers who are skilled at inspecting, cleaning and fixing the equipment will often enable the cause of the problem to be discovered more quickly and therefore dealt with at a much faster pace. You can also ask for estimates for the cost of labor prior to accepting any service jobs which allows you to match repair prices with your planned budget. In cases like this you should ask as many relevant questions as possible so that the technician can further discuss and elaborate on the repairs required.
Furnace Repairs
Power should always be turned off before work on the furnace begins. This prevents the motor from running while the repair is taking place. It is usually safe to replace a filter without turning off the gas or oil supply, but for all other maintenance the best course of action is to ensure the fuel supply is completely turned off. Once the maintenance tasks have been performed the pilot light will need to be lit again for the system to heat the home. This means that it is best to first know how to relight the pilot light before actually turning it off. While furnace installations can be attempted by the average handy person, it is often better to allow a certified technician handle the job for the plain fact that there are so many things to keep abreast of when actually installing a furnace. A qualified technician can help you choose the kind of furnace best suited to your heating needs. Proper functionality and a prolonged operational life will also result from correct installation of the furnace. Heating technicians can also inspect your entire home and give you further tips that you may otherwise not have thought of or noticed. This could be for example the discovery of windows or doorways that are not air-tight. Even high efficiency furnaces will struggle if hot air is allowed to constantly leak through gaps in the doorways and window panes. Skilled furnace installers have all of the equipment and know-how to perform the job correctly, which will give you much needed peace of mind and assurance to a very important decision. Some professionals also offer a warranty with their service which can be very cost effective in the long run and help you avoid expensive furnace repairs or replacements in the future.
As with almost every heating system, replacing the conventional thermostat with one that is programmable and digital can produce a substantial amount of energy savings. The reason for this is that digital programmable thermostats make automatic adjustments to the temperature of the home without the need for manual tinkering of the settings. This keeps comfort levels high when there are people around and saves energy when it is not required. The air filter in any furnace should be changed once a month at the very least. A good programmable thermostat will keep you aware of when the filter needs to be replaced and therefore reduces the possibility of a furnace repair being required. Some users prefer the inexpensive option of fiberglass filters while others like using the mid-range filters that can trap smaller particles. Some stores also provide washable electrostatic filters that have a good life cycle. In any case the performance of the furnace should not be affected if filters are changed on a regular basis.
Filter selection should be based on how sensitive you are to air-borne particles. Vacuuming the blower and other accessible areas of the furnace every few months will also help combat any allergy issues you may be experiencing and will also remove the dust that accumulates on the blades of the blower. If an older propane or natural gas furnace is currently being used then it is good practice to oil the motor and blower shafts using a couple drops. This should be done on an annual basis. Newer models however have sealed bearings so do not need to be oiled. Although not a must, the oil filter can be replaced to ensure that clean fuel continues to flow to the oil furnace. Information on how to bleed air out of the fuel line can usually be found in the manufacturer’s manual. It is worth bearing in mind though that this may not be necessary for your particular model. As mentioned before, the fuel supply lines and connections should also be checked regularly for leaks.
For all types of furnaces and heating systems that require ventilation it is very important to ensure that outside vents and chimneys are not blocked by snow, leaves, nests or any other object with potential to obstruct. Keeping the airways clear at all times will prevent the hazard of carbon monoxide and will keep furnace troubleshooting parts performing at their optimum. Ducts that leak pose fire and carbon monoxide risks so it is also essential that flues are inspected regularly for gaping cracks or joints that may be slowly opening and moving apart.
Regular Check Up
While on the surface furnaces may seem not to need monitoring or voluntary inspection this is not exactly the case. Every make, model and type should be serviced at least once a year to keep things running smoothly as they should. In regards to furnace maintenance cleaning is an important task that fortunately almost any owner or user can carry out. As mentioned before the fuel supply must always be turned off before any such contact is made with furnace. Once open any debris or dust sitting in the furnace can be vacuumed, and the filter cleaned or replaced if necessary. This is best done before and after the colder periods of the year when the furnace is most used and required. It is also not a bad idea to check the motor while you are in the process of cleaning. If you spot a damaged or loose fan belt replace it as soon as possible. Bearings and other components that can potentially cause friction between moving parts should also be inspected and oiled if necessary. Such furnace maintenance is another way of avoiding costly repairs or replacements in the future. While some may wish to attempt the more intricate investigations on their own, it is advisable that a certified furnace technician is acquired to complete the inspection if you have a single doubt about what needs to be done. As any furnace repair technician will tell you safety is always more important than comfort.
Pay close attention to the furnace installed in your home and you are sure to have a heating system that lasts longer and costs you less to run. There are many accredited companies that assist in finding immediate solutions to your current problems while preventing similar faults from occurring in the future. Annual maintenance combined with self-vigilance is the best way to ensure that your furnace lives up to expected standards and performs securely.