In the world to trim is Crown King. Lording high over the intestines, Chair Rails and baseboards, it crosses an impressive profile with elegant curves and prominent angles. It also raises a room stature, drawing the eye up to the ceiling and echo design motifs seen in other moldings to create a consistent and professional look to space.

Crowns descent when back to the ancient Greeks, who created the profiles and the rules on the share, which we still use approximately 2500 years later. Only materials have changed. Rather than the original heavy stones selected 18th century American artisans more malleable and relatively lighter-weight plaster or wood Crown. While these materials is still the top choices for traditionalists, today’s hands-on homeowner can also choose moldings made of foam and flexible polyurethane, which goes with greater ease than the Greeks, or even our grandfathers, could have imagined — no chisel, trowel or nails required.

Pictured: White paint in a high-gloss silver Sheen stresses carved details in this tree crown and add a classic touch to the entry foyer and lounge.

Resembles the view: Custom 9-inch-high Cornice in wood, ca $ 7.50 per linear foot; Sharp custom coamings

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