Everything about lighting outdoor and planning system
The first step is to plan the exact location of all lights and containers, using techniques adapted to your landscape lighting. Consider security and area lighting in first, and then accents or effects that you want to include. Then, determine whether your system provide sufficient security lighting and make adjustments for any deficiency.
Include switch locations in their planning. They should be indoors with auxilliary switches outdoors in areas of high use.
Then determine how many circuits will be the lighting system. Containers are usually in a separate lights circuit. They must be containers GFCI, unless the full circuit has a GFCI switch or the outer part of the circuit is protected by an inner GFCI receptacle with cable protection “downstream”.
If the garden is small and there are only a few lights, probably can be cabled into extensions of existing circuits. For a larger system, interested independent circuit for every 6 to 12 games, depending on the total power lamps per circuit.
Circuit plan by which you can group certain parties in the same switch using attenuators for greater flexibility. You can also install some solar lights on special for enhanced security, such as timers, switches or remote to turn on lights when detected motion sensing devices.
Once you have determined the location of all parties, switches and receptacles, must make an outline to help you gain the necessary permissions. Consider all points of sale, size and type of wire and the location of the main panel service. You probably won’t need a permission to a low-voltage power outlets existing lighting system.
It is a good idea an electrician to review your plan first, even if you are going to do the wiring yourself.
All lines wiring must be buried or enclosed in the duct, except for low-voltage wiring. In most areas of code, you can bury type wire UF directly; in others, you must run buried wiring of duct. You may have a choice between rigid metal or plastic PVC conduit. Metal resists rodents damage and generally does not have to be buried as deeply as PVC, but also erodes in time.
PVC is much easier to work, but must be buried 18 inches and is subject to chewing by rodents. For wiring above the ground, use metal connectors weather duct.
If you are running low voltage wiring, you have to do is connect the transformer into a 120 volt outlet, and then run the cable low correct voltage specified for the parties. You can attach the cabling to trees, fences or sheds; lay it on the ground, or bury it. The output for the transformer should be controlled by a switch.