When you are aware of the traditional rules of Feng Shui, you pay more attention on what is in your home, as well as what is in your home. Based on that, you can seek a correct advantageous location for your home and create a balanced place to live.

Feng Shui, defined as placement? ?the aware art isn’t ?just new trend?. Not at all!It was around thousands and thousands of years .Sens “wind-water”, the origin of the term comes from an ancient Chinese proverb that describes the best live? ?the place.

Time has proven that these principles are really work and value to utiliser.Ensuite, which would be a good place to live?

Good location based on the rules of Feng Shui

Without doubt one of the best places in your home are close to a forest, a Lake, pond or Bay. there where the rich vegetation, ideally campaign or small gardensIf vegetable organic you must live in a city, and then choose a location close to parks, gardens, spiritual; centres or centres of art, colleges or universities, healing, holistic clinics more or less what is source of inspiration, creation and peacefulResearch and choose a good community that will resonate with your aspirations

Traditional Feng Shui rules for inside your home:

Keep your own place and Рcluttered it is an obligation to avoid energyTry stagnant, negative for many air fresh and natural light; they create beneficial energy, especially in your Feng Shui bedroom living bring plants and pets.Avoid keeping dying or dried plants or animals, fur, insects, deer wood) allow all elements of Feng Shui in your House: metal, Earth, water, light and color woodUse, one way easier to move the energy in your space why not try free software of Feng Shui?It can help you to achieve excellent results, as soon as become familiar you with sample you are a beginner of Feng Shui, don?t are reluctant to engage in a general belief expert.Malgr̩, rates can be affordable.Excellent results, you need to have a clear understanding on what you do and to apply correctly the Feng Shui principles.

Places to avoid

Locations of violence / related deaths or treating; facilities such as prisons, positions of police, hospitals, cemetery and funeral, meat packers, treatment plants, etc..In the same category are unwanted deposits (trash, junk yards, car electronic side yards) power plants, dams, cell phone towers ?, they are not only bad Feng Shui, creating negative energy, but it is known that people who live close to them, especially children, have serious health complainsIntersections, corner of streets, the end of a bridge ? are places considered to create venomous arrows, loss and the place sharp or dangerous natural poor healthAny triggering: on a cliff near a powerful flow, in a place continues wind, etc.

Don?t underestimate the power of the traditional rules of Feng Shui: these rules can work wonders! however, it is important to remember that what works for one individual may not work at all for other .c ‘ is a very complex combination of factors that work together to determine the individual, final result.

Rules of traditional Feng Shui
10 Tips for beginners Feng Shui
10 Tips for Feng Shui rooms free Feng Shui Software

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