This is my first deck profile, it’s not the norm setup, but my way works. This is my Gravekeeper’s deck and what I feel is necessary to having a decent Gravekeeper’s deck. Any additions or changes that you feel would be good then please comment away. Sorry about the poor lighting towards the end btw! Enjoy 🙂 Monsters: G=Gravekeeper’s G Chief G Guard x2 G Spy x3 G Visionary x2 G Curse x2 G Descendant x3 G Commandant x2 G Priestess G Assailant Charm of Shabti Armageddon Knight Mystic Tomato Spells: Mystical Space Typhoon Terraforming Magical Dimension Foolish Burial G Stele Necrovalley x3 Dark Hole Field Barrier Book of Moon Hammer Shot Allure of Darkness Traps: Dark Illusion Metal Reflect Slime Acid Trap Hole Sakuretsu Armour Rite of Spirit x2 Bottomless Trap Hole