Home renovation Guide Gets a renovated!
Today when we are proud to resurrect a brand-new home page, guide the renovation! The redesigned site offers clean appearance, the cool new features and improved functionality.
Of course, we still have all of the innovative and inspiring tools already know and love, but now is just more of ’em:
User profile: save your favorite styles, products, and ideas for the home of your dreams and property projects.
: Find a professional: uses the index to the quality of contractors across North America, easy to use search tool.
Galleries: before stunning & gorgeous and afters galleries.
Hot products: the find the latest offers on the market of the home Member State.
Ask the pros: NEW Q&A forum – the real answers to real professional home improvement.
, Videos, blog & newsletter: Stay up to date, tips and trends!
The new http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=kar8btcab&et=1106027851786&s=0&e=001aRtPDkYpHya33eAtI4zhQCp3-K81Nlyavpps6_ULPf1bnAwDYczM33Um-_E4S6ZGIARxIS9sIW9W_KecoIP2g9oH6_80zPaNDVUOv1WraVjy-Ud2QEhV7g== emerges and try it for yourself!