How to Change the Handing on an Amesbury Multipoint Lock
How to Change the Handing on an Amesbury Multipoint Lock – All About Doors and Windows
Spring latches on multipoint locks are beveled one direction or the other, which makes them handed a particular direction. This means that a door cannot be shut if the bevel is going the wrong direction–in this instance, a left-handed lock is mounted on a right-handed door or vice versa. In order to fix the problem, we simply need to change the direction of the bevel. On most locks, including Amesbury, the homeowners can do this themselves.
Amesbury makes two different series of locks–the P1000 and the P2000. The handing is easily changed on both, although the process is different.Please don’t hesitate to email us with questions or concerns if this method does not help you.
Premier 1000
Premier 2000
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