How to Install a Sliding Patio Door Bolt Lock
How to Install a Sliding Patio Door Bolt Lock – All About Doors and Windows
This is a guide to installing a sliding patio door bolt lock, like part #15312 shown below:
From the manufacturer’s instructions:
INSTALLATION:Close and lock patio door. Unlock lock with key and pull bottom section of housing down and away from lock body. this will retract the side bolt and expose two screw holes. (These screws are concealed when unit is locked).Locate lock to top back edge of inside sliding door (or top front face of outside slider; use caution in determining exact location as drill or screw contact with glass will cause breakage) and position as close to upper track flange as possible, without actually making contact.Mark all three screw hole locations and drill thru one metal surface using a 1/8″ drill bit.Secure the top screw only and be sure that the lock body is vertical to the door.Lift the lower housing until slide bolt makes contact with upper track.Mark and drill with a 3/8″ drill bit.** NOTE: It will be necessary to drill deep enough to allow full extension of the slide bolt in order to secure the lock. Be sure that the hole is large enough to eliminate any binding of the slide bolt. Install and secure all (3) screws.
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