How to Replace a FUHR Multipoint Lock with Roundbolts
How to Replace a FUHR Multipoint Lock with Roundbolts – All About Doors and Windows
These instructions pertain specifically to replacing a FUHR multipoint lock with roundbolt locking devices. FUHR no longer ships its products to the United States, so we will replace it with a HOPPE multipoint lock with tongue latches.
The specs for both locks are listed below (click on links to see description/picture):
Original: FUHR (part #499014699)Replacement: HOPPE (part #4990223)Overall Length: about 77″Fits Doors: 74.31″ — 81.99″Handle Height: 39-1/4″Handle Height: 36″Backset: 55mmBackset: 45mmPZ: 70mmPZ: 92mmTop Roller Position: 29Top Roller Position: 29-1/4″Bottom Roller Position: 29-3/4″Bottom Roller Position: 29-5/8″
The main modifications to note when replacing this lock are:Handle Height: Handle height change will leave 3-1/4″ of exposed mortise at bottom of door edge; this will be covered by a piece of faceplate leftover from trimming the top of the lock to fit the door.New Backset: Enlarge/widen key cylinder hole for new backsetNew PZ: Drill new handle holeNew Handleset: You will need a new handleset as your old one will not work with the different PZ
Summary of Replacement Process (Detailed Instructions Below)Remove FUHR lock from door edgeInsert new lock in door edge so that cylinder is at same height as original cylinderDetermine where new handle and cylinder holes need to be drilled in face of door to accomodate new PZ and backsetDetermine how much needs to be trimmed off top of new HOPPERemove lock and drill new holes in face of doorTrim top extension to fit doorInstall new lockTest operationInstall new tongue strikes if necessary
Diagram of Original and Replacement Locks Below:
Detailed InstructionsUnscrew and remove handleset and trim plates.Remove all screws from faceplate of lock; remove FUHR 3-point lock from door panel.Assemble new HOPPE lock by attaching top extension to lock body.Set new HOPPE lock in mortise; install a few screws to secure lock so that cylinder is at the same height on the door that the cylinder was on on the FUHR. If lock is at correct height, you should be able to see a bit of the cylinder hole in the lock through the cylinder hole on the face of the door.Mark handle alignment line on door edge. Measure from handle alignment line to top of door panel and mark with permanent marker on the lock where it needs to be trimmed to fit in the door.Unscrew lock, remove from door edge and hold beside door so handle alignment line is lined up with mark made on door edge.Using a pencil or permanent mark, make a mark on the face of the door at the center of the handle-hole and the cylinder hole. This will be the new location of the handle and cylinder. To double check location, measure from the door edge to the cylinder hole mark. It should be 55mm. The measurement from the cylinder mark down to the handle mark should be 92mm.
Lay lock on table. Using a hacksaw, carefully trim top of lock where needed, as determined in step 5. **This step requires caution and knowledge of safety procedures. Have another person help hold the extension or use a clamp and pliers to hold extension while trimming. Extension will be hot during and after cutting.
Use a file or sandpaper to smooth cut edge of trimmed extension piece.Before reinstalling lock, drill new cylinder hole and handle hole in face of door at marks made in step 7. Drill holes to same size as original cylinder and handle holes respectively.Place HOPPE lock back into mortise in door, being careful to align lock with handle alignment mark. Screw loosely in place — install a few screws up and down the length of the lock.Insert a handle and spindle into the handle hole to check lock operationwhile door is open. **Note: new lock has a mishandling device (between deadbolt and spring latch), which must be pushed down in order to engage locking points. While door is open, push down with fingers.If door functions properly, unlock lock and install and tighten all screws running up and down length of faceplate.With door closed, gently engage locks. Check that the strike plates match up with lock. Deadbolt strike plate should match up almost exactly and shouldn’t require moving. Depending on which strike plates you have, they may need replaced with HOPPE tongue strike plates (available on our website as part #8784699).In the event that strikes are slightly off, unscrew strike plate, chisel where needed, and move strike plate up or down within door frame.Because the new HOPPE lock is shorter on bottom than the original FUHR, there will be about 3-1/4″ of exposed mortise at the bottom of the edge of the door. If desired, figure out exactly how much exposed mortise there is, trim that amount from the leftover faceplate trimmed off the top of the lock and screw or glue it in the exposed mortise.Install new trim and handleset; PZ of new handlset must be 92mm. Make sure new trim is wide enough to cover both new and original cylinder holes.
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How to Replace a FUHR Multipoint Lock with Roundbolts
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