Ten Green conversion terms
Many homeowners look at a green home remodeling project can find the terminology of eco-friendly remodeling confusing. Below are some of these provisions and what they mean.
1. Sustainable: if your green home remodeling project is sustainable, it uses elements from materials easy to regenerate that and replace made. Bamboo sends, for example, an excellent choice for floors and cabinets, because it is faster growing than wood. Crop bamboo is easier on the environment as timber harvesting. Cork is a further good sustainable option of flooring because Cork is from the bark of trees, which are not made.
2. Energy star: run by the environmental protection agency (EPA), the Energy Star programme includes 35 different categories of units and electronics. The energy star logo on an element means that it is 10 to 50 percent more efficient than the average model for this category. With all elements of the energy star in your green home renovation can save up to 30 percent on your energy costs. Most large manufacturers make energy star devices, and they are easy to find.
3. Recycling: it uses recycled materials to find materials for your green home renovation project, taken the difficult but today it would be easy. Performance counters, and tiles can be produced from recycled glass or even aluminum. Floors and cabinets can be made from recycled wood. Another form of recycling is used doors, wooden beams, sink, etc. for reuse statement from in your House.
4. Energy efficient: efficiency can mean many different things and be achieved in many ways can. You need to replace does not improve the efficiency of your furnace to your green home remodeling project. You can add insulation attics or channels. You can replace Windows, or you can add a programmable thermostat.
5. Renewable energy: for green home remodel, is renewable energy options generally into three categories: solar, wind and geothermal energy. Solar is the most common and the least expensive since it simply involves one solar panels on your roof. Wind power is generated by high wind turbines, and is most common in houses that are isolated and the grid already starting. Geothermal heat pumps are the most efficient way, but also the most expensive, because they require lots of space in which close to digging up from your home.
6. Indoor air quality: green houses need to be healthy, and that must be means that the air in healthy to breathe. Air quality is affected by a variety of sources including, the flooring material, glue in the cabinets, color and even the cleaners that you use on the floors and Windows.
7. VOC: now it is to find colors that are no – not difficult or low-VOC (volatile organic compounds), which means that fumes to breathe more securely are the color as regular colors. Many other products, including caulking, stucco, coatings and cleaners are available in low VOC versions.
8. Cost: a common myth about green home remodeling is that it is more cost. Sometimes it does, but often the cost is equal to or less than choosing less green options. Don’t forget that to pay energy efficient investments for themselves in the course of time through lower energy costs.
9. Xeriscaping: almost 50% of residential water use goes to landscape and lawns. Careful landscaping how much water your landscaping can reduce requirements. This process will reduce called Xeriscaping and can use external water by 50 to 75%. Lower maintenance are her garden, so you save it time and money.
10. Forest Stewardship Council: if you want to use wood, rather than a sustainable product such as bamboo in your green home renovation project, the best products are FSC certified. This means that the trees were harvested sustainably.
What are other words you, if you have to read about Green Remodeling?
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