Work with copper pipes
Copper tube can be welded or joined with solderless compression fittings. The welding process is called sweating. Clean the tube and the background connection. Use steel wool or Emery cloth polishing copper until is brilliant. Apply a thin layer of flow to surfaces and shelter the tube connection. Rotating pipes and connections to distribute flow uniformly; clean up any excess.?
Set tubes assembled in a stable position by joint is accessible and away from combustible materials. Do not try to maintain pipelines while you welding; warm up quickly.
Heat the articulation with propane, MAPP gas or acetylene torch. Address called the connection instead of the pipeline, heating of both sides. When the workflow begins to bubble, touch the end of the welding for articulation. Use lead-free solder. When welding melts, capillarity suck it in the joint.
If welding existing pipelines that have had water in them, be sure to drain the system well. Even a few drops of water in the pipe will be steam which prevents welding taking. Close tap leave open for the steam to escape safely.
If water remains a problem, things some white bread in the pipeline for damming while you welding. Bread are dissolved and empty of course.