February 2, tools to use
by Pankas
(San Jose, CA, United States of America)
I would like to know what kind of tile saw is the best work in the redevelopment of the bathroom?
Pankas – Hello and thank you for submitting a question of How To tile bathroom…
There are three types of saws / cutters tile you might consider when tiling of your bathroom…
1 Cutter mosaic unpowered – a platform with a track on it, with a small round blade sliding on the runway.Mark you a line on the tile, then he break along with score.
2 Mosaic cuticules – these resemble tweezers, but have a design edge collision to a part of the mosaïque.Pour claws get a little closer cut if you are hitting an obstruction, you would use cuticules.
3 A wet cooled water seen – it saw, is like a table given that uses one blade of Pierre which runs through the water to prevent the mosaic of over heating and burned while coupé.Il is used for complex cuts.
I hope this helps with your luck on the redevelopment of bathroom question.Bonne!