Should I Move out during My Remodel – Room Addition Advice for Homeowners Some contractors aren’t going to let you stay in the house, depending upon the size of the project and the remodeling that’s going to be involved. The biggest remodeling project I ever did was to install a two-story room addition over a single story home and the homeowners lived in the house the whole time. It was hard on both of us, but we got through it. If you’re planning on building a room addition or remodeling your entire house, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to figure out how much extra it would cost to live somewhere else, while the construction was taking place. If you are planning on moving out of the home, keep this in mind, if your contractor tells you that it’s going to take six months, plan on having at lease nine months worth of living expenses, just in case the job takes longer than it was supposed to. This actually happened to one of the homeowners, on one of the jobs that I was working on. I hope you enjoy our home improvement, room edition and remodeling tips. For more information, visit our websites.