Jim & Jamey Stengel – Home Improvement ROI
Monday, February 21st, 2011 at
4:42 am
Comments (7)
thestengelteam.blogspot.com – You can put tons of money into your home through remodeling, additions and refurnishing, but the investment is not worthwhile if it’s put towards the wrong aspects of the home. To get the most return on investment, adhere to a few simple upgrades that will add the most value to your home, and it can be achieved with any budget! Visit our blog to learn more tricks about where to invest your money to get the most profit back!! Jamey and Jim Stengel The Stengel Team 2663 N Halsted Street Chicago, IL 60614 773.270.3150 thestengelteam.blogspot.com info@thestengelteam.com