Holtzman Home Improvement is a general contractor that specializes in residential house remodeling, room additions, green construction and carpentry in the Phoenix AZ area. Holtzman Home Improvement is a high quality five star rated General Contractor as listed on Kudzu. We are considered as one of the highest quality and best price remodeling company in Arizona. We work closely with many vendors and pass on the contractors’ discounts we get, directly to our clients for the best price. From large full-scale home and room additions to small handyman jobs such as sliding doors, we do it all! We are guided by the following principles: Individual approach to the client, Professionalism, Creativity, Dedication to quality and service, Innovation, Quick and efficient workmanship. We can assist you with any of your house remodeling needs. Call Holtzman Home Improvement and receive a free estimate. Call (602) 323-6574 or email at hhi@holtzmanhomeimprovement.com