Welcome GB Group to another Tank&rsquos tip. Today I must give you a design tip for brand spanking new construction or renovations.
In terms of the steps in your house, you have a number of options in terms of coverings. The first is to pay with carpet all the way up up, like you see on this picture. This really is the obvious way to finish your stairs.
The next choice is to get carpet with wood or solid flooring end caps. In case your stairs are open somewhere, you can put end caps just quietly that’s open, and carpet all the way around the wall.
The third option is to apply a whole solid surface, typically hardwood. They can do this in two different methods: Just utilize the hardwood for the treads (the top of the steps themselves) and rehearse paint grade wood for your risers (the part that runs perpendicular to the step). Or, other option is to apply stain grade wood for both the treads and the risers, giving an extremely polished turn to the whole stair. It&rsquos nice that hardwood can offer few different options.
A really great strategy to improve the look of your house and give it a dramatic entry is always to tear the rug up from your stairs and hang hardwood in. Isn’t difficult to make it happen and isn’t expensive. It can really improve the appeal in your home in addition to increase its value.
I hope you have thought this was interesting tip and in case you have any question, please do not hesitate to call us at 479.464.7336.
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Jacob Tankersley