February 25, it is possible painting mosaic bathroom porcelain
You can retrace mosaic bathroom porcelain, also how you remove painting bathroom bathtub. What kind of paint do you use?
Thank you for sending a question of How To tile bathroom…
You can re-mosaic bathroom porcelain paint.This is a lengthy task if it is done right… and you do not want to do a good job so that it lasts….
Remember that the painting will not stick to a slick, surface so to begin, you need to clean completely mosaic and coulis.puis sand tiles with a very fine glass of the grit paper.
Apply a few layers of a primer of good quality for tiles slightly sanding between coats….
Use a semi-gloss or gloss paint for paint tiles…. oil apply several thin layers.
Once the paint is dry, apply a few polyurethane layers to protect the end…
Good luck in your bathroom, redevelopment…