How to Replace a Fuhr 5-Point Lock in a Caradco Door with a Custom Multipoint Lock
How to Replace a Fuhr 5-Point Lock in a Caradco Door with a Custom Multipoint Lo – All About Doors and Windows A Necessary Part of Your Door & Window Repairs!» Door and Window Parts » Doors and Their Hardware » How to Replace a Fuhr 5-Point Lock in a Caradco Door with a Custom Multipoint Lock How to Replace a Fuhr 5-Point Lock in a Caradco Door with a Custom Multipoint Lock:
How to Replace a Fuhr 5- or 6-Point Lock in a Caradco Door with a Custom Multipoint LockThis article pertains specifically to replacingCaradco 5- and 6-point locks made by Fuhr. The only difference between the 5- and 6-point Caradco locks is that the 6-point, which was made for 93″ (standard 8 foot) doors, has an extra roller. The 5-point lock, which was made for 77″ (standard 6 foot 8 inch) doors, only has 2 rollers. Both locks also have 2 shootbolts and a deadbolt. These locks operatemanuallyand feature aEuropean-style cylinder. Locking points are engaged when door is closed and handle lifted. The inside thumbturn secures the locking devices.
This article applies to both the 5- and 6-point locks. Replace a 5-point with 4990630 and a 6-point with 4990633. The only difference between the replacement locks is the height of the top extension.
Summary of Replacement Process (Detailed Steps Follow)Remove existing lock.Attach bottom extension to lock box.Trim top extension of new lock to fit [with shootbolt] in door.Attach shootbolt to top extension.Attach top extension/shootbolt to lock box.Install new lock.Modify or replace deadbolt strike plate/deepen deadbolt mortise if necessary.
Trim That LockAttach top extension to lock body with provided star-head screws. Shootbolt and deadbolt must both be retracted. Line up extension with notches on lock box, then slide bottom “bar” of extension (part with teeth) back and forth a bit until the extension fits down into place in the notches of lock box.
Lay old lock next to new lock on table to measure against each other. Extend shootbolt tips and deadbolt so that teeth of top extension are flush with faceplate. (Use spindle and handle in handle-hole to engage bolts and deadbolt.) Line up handle-holes. At top, lay shootbolt tip next to both locks, lining up shootbolt faceplate edge with edge of old lock.
Shootbolt tip will need to be trimmed so that total length of new lock with shootbolt tip attached is the same length as the original lock. Double check measurements and mark shootbolt tip with permanent marker or pencil where top extension needs to be trimmed. For a 77″ door, we measured that about 5″ of top extension needs to be removed (shown in adbove picture). We measured that about 1-1/2″ of top extension need to be removed for 93″ door.Unscrew top extension from lock box and, Using a hacksaw, carefully trim through both jagged toothed edge and faceplate of top shootbolt extension. **This step requires caution and knowledge of safety procedures. Have another person help hold the extension or use a clamp and pliers to hold extension while trimming. Extension will be hot during and after cutting.
Reattach top extension to lock and slip shootbolt tip in place so length of new lock matches that of original lock. **NOTE: Shootbolt tip comes with simple cover plate which slides over break between extension and shootbolt tip; shootbolt cannot be permanently attached to extension while uninstalled, but upon installation, screw will secure cover plate in place.
With lock still on table, use spindle and handle to check that lock operates correctly. Use cylinder to ensure that lock can be properly secured (lift of handle engages locking points; twist of thumbturn secures lock). **NOTE: mishandling device must be pressed down in order to engage tongue and shootbolt.Once ensured that lock is correct length, use a file, sandpaper or a sander to smooth raw edge of trimmed extension piece.While both locks are still laid out next to each other, attach bottom shootbolt to new lock in the same manner so that length is equal to that of original lock–lock can be lengthened or shortened slightly by realigning toothed part of bottom extension up or down within extended part of shootbolt tip.
InstallationPlace lock body and attached extensions in mortise (big hole in door). Align alignment line (handle-height) on lock to mark made at alignment spot of old Caradco lock. Install one or two screws on full lock to check operation before installing rest of screws.Insert a handle and spindle into lock to check lock operation while door is open (**remember: mishandling device must be pressed down in order to engage tongue and shootbolt).If door functions properly, unlock lock and install and tighten all screws running up and down length of faceplate.
**NOTE: If lock length seems slightly too long or short on bottom, take lock out of door, detach bottom shootbolt tip and reinstall lock in door, tightening only a few screws at the tp and middle of lock. Then reattach shootbolt by bending lock out of door slightly and connecting shootbolt in place. Adjust length as lock is in door to ensure proper length so shootbolts extends correctly into shootbolt strike in floor. Once lock is correct length, stall rest of screws and follow steps 17 and 18.
Close door and throw deadbolt.Check where deadbolt hit strike.Old Caradco strike plate will fit new lock, although it may need shifted up or down slightly. To do this, unscrew strike plate, mark where deadbolt hits jamb, use a chisel to notch out existing deadbolt mortise to fit new deadbolt and reinstall strikeplate in new location.Check operation of lock while closed.**NOTE: Roller strike plates in jamb will not be used with new lock. We suggest leaving them in place. Removing will require filling and patching hole to match rest of door jamb. Alternatively, blank strike plates (strike plates with no hole) can be purchased and used to cover mortises.
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