The incredibly lightweight structure forms a constantly changing landscape that is affected by environmental conditions. The dome is eight metres in diameter, four meters high and weighs less than 100 pounds. It was built on the site in just three days by a group of local volunteers.

GROUND dome combines the scientific mechanisms for the use of renewable energies with the design and architecture and adapts to its environment as a living organism. To become animated and responsive, the structure has a circular matrix of solar powered LED spotlight connected to a carbon dioxide sensor on-site which makes changes color. Depending on the amount of carbon in the air, different fibres lights in a timed pattern, creating a kaleidoscope of colors.

The structure is inspired by the molecular biology and the chemical bonds holding together the atoms in a molecule. He embodies the kinetic energy, with every fibre shaped in a circle to create a mechanism allowing it to recharge a battery.

The dome of soil will be exhibited from 28 September until Halloween. This will be a unique opportunity to check this architectural mirage – the new stage of biomimicry.